Haikou – Sanya

We finally left the temporary hotel by 11:30 pm. Our flight however only
left at 12:30 am so we land in Haikou at 4 am and have to get two taxis
to the hotel. Allan is quite upset when he witnesses an accident right
by the airport where a car smashes into a light pole. We make it to the
hotel by 4:30 and it is getting light out. A shower and checking
emails and we have time for some shut-eye as Mr. Li let us know that we
will be picked up by 11 am for a visit. I wake up around 8 am and feel
horrible – that feeling that only strong coffee can cure. Off to the
breakfast room. A passing stranger starts talking to me and we end the
conversation about 2 hours later after establishing some guanxi! The
other guys appear around that time and by 10:30 we are ready for pick
up all packed again.

Our visit goes well, we talk about various options while Greg and Allan
sits in on a very lively Chemistry class.  After lunch the driver Mr. Li
arranged appears and we load up. Saying good-bye to our gracious hosts
we start the journey to Sanya – some say it is 2 hours, others that it
is 3 hours. While driving we all doze off. We pass through country side
with the freeway separated by hibiscus and bougainvillea full in bloom.
There are coconut palms and date palms, papaya trees, banana trees, jack
fruit hanging of trees and spice plants. We pass through a thunderstorm
that stops as fast as it started. We see unfinished buildings, likely
victims of the economic meltdown. We pass the new sky-train line to
Sanya. Then on through rice paddies and frangipani trees.

Our driver stops for us to experience a coffee plant. First time seeing
coffee trees first hand. We sip little cups of really good coffee. To
walk through the plant you have to exit by the store where you can buy
coffee “everything” and  local trinkets. Young girls with megaphones
try to sell you their specific type of coffee really loudly. It becomes
quite impossible and we move through really quickly. Complete  sensory
overload. They have some interesting tropical fruit though.

Finally we reach our hotel after 4 hours. It is now 5pm and we decide
to have a quick dinner and fall into bed. The coast around here is
spectacular – cannot wait to look around more. We have one meeting
tomorrow and Saturday off.

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